The difference two years can make


Two years ago, Waterfall Park Developments Ltd (WPDL) received the green light to transform the Waterfall Park land into a revitalised oasis, celebrating the area's natural beauty and complimenting it with sophistication and quality.

Before anything else could be done onsite, access needed to be created to this idyllic land known for its natural waterfall. The new 850m road called Ayr Avenue was recently completed, marking a significant milestone for the project and one step closer to turning the final vision into a reality. Ayr Avenue traverses our neighbouring property known as ‘Ayrburn Farm’, crosses over Mill Creek, and weaves alongside the creek to Waterfall Park. Construction of the road included building three vehicle crossings, weirs, creek widening and extensive bank stabilisation to help improve water quality and biodiversity in Mill Creek.

To date, significant revitalisation steps have been implemented to improve stream health, birdlife, and biodiversity. Fencing has been completed to exclude stock from Mill Creek, which has also reduced runoff into waterways. The riparian margins of a c.650m stretch of Mill Creek have been planted with approximately 6,000 native shrubs and grasses. These initiatives will help revive the natural environment for all those that experience the area in the future. Once the road is open to the general public, people can walk along the banks of Mill Creek and appreciate the fish that habitat and spawn in the area.

With the road completed, the design of civil works for the valley, including further creek bank stabilisation and connection of the cycle trail up to the waterfall, is underway in preparation for delivery during 2022.

In addition to the completion of the road, progress has been made on the development of a premier restaurant precinct known as Ayrburn Domain within the Waterfall Park and Ayrburn area. The vision for the Domain is inspired by the character and heritage of the historic stone farm buildings, which will be restored to create an inviting southern destination.

Ayrburn Domain already has resource consent, civil works are underway, and building consent is currently being processed. Transformation of the heritage buildings will likely begin in spring, once building consent has been received. The remediation of these character buildings is an exciting project that means the heritage of the area is protected and shared with locals and visitors all year round.