Water Views Plentiful in Matarangi


Progress on site in Matarangi has remained strong, despite the on-going lockdown challenges.  

Stage 3 is now complete and Stage 4 is close to completion as the drainage is done, services are in, roads are sealed, and the final touches are underway. The finish line is in sight. The construction team is working hard to pour the remaining footpaths and complete the last of the landscaping.

Titles are expected to be issued in early December for Stage 3 and late December for Stage 4.  We are very excited to show our buyers the finished product.

After finishing off the existing Airfield Lake, a major milestone was the completion of the Western Lake that sits between Stages 5-8. The views over these lakes will be magnificent once the lots are completed. Furthermore, civil works in Stage 5 have commenced and drainage will continue to be the main focus in the coming months.

We are delighted to be back on site and look forward to providing further updates on the progress at Beaches.